Tuesday, July 24, 2007

pepperoni rolls

in the northern mountains of west virginia hides the pepperoni roll.
it's a small pepperoni stick baked into a soft yeast roll and left to sit so the grease soaks the bread. only available in west virginia and parts of maryland and ohio, I found these at a combination gas station/diner/post office/gun shop in the middle of nowhere.

unfortunately I didn't make it to fairmont,wv; where you can get them freshly baked at Country Club Bakery, the birthplace of the pepperoni roll.

to learn more about pepperoni rolls, check out
bob heffner's pepperoni roll page

1 comment:

Kris Chau said...

My that is the cutest little herd of pepperoni rolls I ever did see. Especially next to that Old German.